Farewell, Crackers! v2.0_Intro_To_Hackers

Farewell, Crackers! v2.0_Intro_To_Hackers

Farewell, Crackers! v2.0_Intro_To_Hackers Grey Hat Developer 11 November 2018 In my humble opinion, when it's all said and done, after all variations have been enumerated, the difference between who we call hackers and who we call crackers is this- hackers build,...

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When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough

When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough

10 November, 2018 Let's imagine for a moment that your path to into the field of InfoSec is really a war. A war between an intelligent and powerful group of people in the cloud. Secretly running the internet, all of it's connected devices, and then ultimately...the...

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Farewell, Crackers! Grey Hat Developer 5 May 2016 In my humble opinion, when it's all said and done, after all variations have been enumerated, the difference between who we call hackers and who we call crackers is this- hackers build, break, and/then repair things....

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There’s a search engine for that

There’s a search engine for that

5 November, 2017 Ever been fascinated by the thought, "what if there was a way that I could just search the inter-net and see all the different interconnected devices?" Afterall, isn't our world nothing more than a seemingly infinite number of human beings who...

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Welcome to Grey Hat Developer

Welcome to Grey Hat Developer

9 October, 2017 Grey Hat Developer is an organization that trains, certifies, and employs. We give our clients training and certification by utilizing a number of open source tools and resources. After a year of brainstorming, grinding, and restructuring, we finally...

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Escalate Privileges by Bypassing UAC

Escalate Privileges by Bypassing UAC

The Bypass UAC Injection Exploit Module Become A "God" Level User In A Few Simple Steps Quintius Walker 5 June 2017 Raise your hand if you believe that once you've gotten a remote "administrator" session on a compromised host that you're pretty much able to rock N'...

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Honoring InfoSec’s Fallen Soldiers

Honoring InfoSec’s Fallen Soldiers

28 MAY, 2017       Grey Hat Developer In this world, we all have someone who's presence no longer manifest itself to us in the form that we once knew it to be. This Memorial Day I'd like to take the time to honor one of InfoSec's fallen soldiers. In this post I just...

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