Quintius Walker, Grey Hat Developer, Cybersecurity Consultant
10 August 2024
Photo by HIZIR KAYA on Unsplash
Absolutely everything on this blog pertaining to the term “hacking” is meant for training and educational purposes only. WE DO NOT ENGAGE IN NOR PROMOTE ANY ILLEGAL HACKING ACTIVITY!
Welcome back to everyone who’s been following along with us as we explore the HTB Bug Bounty Job Role Path, (links will be at the end of the post).
If you’re here for the 1st time, Thank You Very Much for stopping by. What you’re about to read is another example of what we refer to as our “Poetic Proof-Of-Concepts”.
How this works is: They’ll be times when we provide a walk-through of the modules that we’ve completed in the above mentioned resource. At other times, such as this one for instance, we’ll just present you with our poetic interpretation of the asessment along with screenshots of the steps.
This of course is done so not to spoil anyone’s learning experience.
However, if you so happen to be grinding along this path as well, the screenshots move in sequential order through the modules and are adequate enough to serve as visual clues.
Objective: In this assessment we’re placed in a black box scenario. All we are given is the ip address of the client’s website. This is a common situation that you’ll find yourself in over and over again during your career as a penetration tester. So although the module was marked as easy, we’re forced to think outside of the box when left with no other options to obtain a foothold into the client’s network.
Brute Forcing Secrets, Scenarios, and Situations

We’ve found a web server
running Basic Authentication,
Reward of staying patient
our anticipation.

Is it taking….
or Proxy Server,
Traffic interception,
Brute Forcing
like we’re burglars.

Man In The Middle,
Key Logging,
Dictionary Attack….
We know some secrets
are complex
but this is
rarely the fact.

Cause we know
when it comes
to testing,
Default Passwords
are used…..
If you’re
this reckless,
The question is:
How Safe Is Your Schmooze?

We Social Engineer
the crews…
who think
they can’t lose,
Who put their faith
Zero Trust
But they forget
We got tools.

With disregard
for any rules….
that’s placed
in this path
Cause when
we break
through SSH
We’re on
our way
to his flag.

But since
it’s fake
It’s not
that bad…
No data
was dragged,
No Stakeholders mad…
But just imagine
if this was cash.

And all your
customers are sad,
Their faith
has been shaken
Cause they know
any average Joe
can Brute Force your application.

There you have it. We’ve found all of our flags and concluded the module “Login Brute Force.” As mentioned in the introduction, this post was not meant to be a detailed walk-through; however, if you’re stuck finishing that module, this will undoubtedly help you get through.
As always thank you for reading! If indeed you did not find any enlightenment from the post then at the very least I hope you were entertained.
Be sure to Subscribe and Share our Vibes with anyone you know who may be interested in Bug Bounty Hunting and web application security.
Until next time…Hack On, Ladz & Gentz!