
A long time ago there was this guy who, some claim to be one of the greatest generals of all time. Of course, we’ve seen a lot of great generals which leaves this claim up for much debate. However, that debate is not what we’re going to tackle here. Instead, what I am going to do is share with you what I’ve termed as The Generals 6 Movers of Hackers, which is a remix (if you will) of what General Hannibal had coined as being The 6 Movers of Men, applied to hackers and hacker types.

  1. He who hacks for blood soon finds it dripping from his own terminal.
  2. He who hacks for gold is already blinded by the glitter and glare of his own greed, all too soon led astray by all things shiny.
  3. He who hacks for fame and glory never stays free long enough to hear his songs of victory sung.
  4. He who hacks for sport seldom finds the network administrator in a sporting mood.
  5. He who hacks for the love of it must leave what he loves behind so he can dance with the one he hates the most.
  6. But…he who hacks for security cannot be led astray.

Now ask yourself what is it that moves you? What are you, deep down, really hacking for?

Until next time. Hack on!

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