About Grey Hat Developer
When we polled people of a certain demographic, we asked them why they were not taking advantage of free and open resources to educate themselves in the rapidly growing field of IT/Cyber-Security? The response we heard most was that the time needed to train until actually gaining employment is too long and too expensive.
Grey Hat Developer is an organization that provides Free IT/Cyber-security training to ex-felons, adult learners, minorities, and disadvantaged youth. Our mission is simple: To help as many people who feel that they are trapped but who possess the desire and willingness to change, be open to the idea that change can be fostered through learning IT/Cybrary security skills.
We Are An Organization That Trains, Certifies, and Employs.
We Help Clients Get Trained, Get Certified, and Get Working. Its Simple.
How We Got Started
At home in Texas, we noticed a trend. Initially, we noticed that there’s a lot of people with a blemished past who have reformed, rehabilitated, and out of either sheer drive to become their own bosses or being forced to start their own companies due to society not giving them the opportunity to advance themselves beyond positions that pay very low wages (or jobs that may pay high wages but are very labor intensive and require them to spend more time away from their families), these people have managed to start reasonably successful businesses for themselves. The constant variable that we noticed among this demographic was their failure to properly implement the use of IT/Information Systems. These entrepreneurs were lacking something that every business needs to remain competitive, evolve, and remain successful.
We also noticed there was a huge desire among not only convicted felons, but also among minorities (i.e., Blacks, Latinos, etc.) to learn and secure employment in the IT/Cyber-Security fields.
It didn’t take long to consider that this trend is not unique to the Southern state, but also applies to individuals in similar situations across the United States, if not globally. We set out with the vision to bridge the gap between these two demographics. We arm the second group with the knowledge and skills necessary to be employed by the first group. Everybody Wins!
Answers to Your Questions
What is Grey Hat Developer?
Grey Hat Developer is a company that offers managed IT services. We also offer IT and Cyber-Security training to those who request us to provide it.
Isn’t “Grey Hat” a hacker term?
Yes, that is correct. While we do embrace the spirit of such term in the sense that we believe that hacking isn’t good nor evil, that isn’t what Grey Hat Developer is about. We see IT and Cyber-Security skills as a viable path for someone to forge a very promising future for themselves. Unfortunately one mishap in someone’s past could derail that person from ever having a career as a White Hat Hacker. But that doesn’t mean that person should turn to the allure of becoming a Black Hat Hacker. So that’s where that grey area has become a part of our philosophy. We have witnessed Cyber-Security completely change a person’s life around. That fueled us with inspiration and Grey Hat Developer was born.
Will you teach my child to hack?
No. Your child already knows how to hack. 🙂
How do I sign up for training and what do I need?
Signing up is simple. Just contact us and let us know that you’re interested. One of our reps will guide you through the on-boarding process. In most cases, all you’ll need is a solid internet connection, a compatible device, the patience of Job, and the desire to learn.
Are your services expensive, there aren’t any rates listed on any of your products or services?
As mentioned, we understand that everyone’s budget and requirements are unique. At this time there are no “fixed” prices on any of our services. We aim to get a feel for your project as a whole before we throw any numbers in your face. Contact us for a quote on your next project or idea.
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San Angelo, Tx. 76903
M-F: 8am - 10pm
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S: Closed
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